The internet is extremely concerned for this man who is seemingly being held hostage by his girlfriend, after appearing in a viral video where she’s ordered him Chinese food and is prompting him to express how grateful he is for her.
The poor guy looks absolutely terrified…
How females be as soon as they buy you something 🙄
— Champagne Sloshy (@JoshyBeSloshy) April 1, 2024
My initial reaction to watching that was that it might be some kind of skit, so I tracked down the original TikTok video from an account named Aloralynnnsavasta3…

A good few thousand followers which would indicate most of them came from her recent viral video. When you look at her older videos though, there’s not a single skit in sight. Just videos of her and a female friend frolicking about, and more videos of her scrawny boyfriend eating her food and telling her that he loves her.
So, clearly a genuine account, with no other skits/staged videos, and most of the comments under her videos are now people asking her to release her boyfriend from captivity:

Seems to me that the account, and the video, are genuine. But going through the rest of the account, I do wonder whether this boyfriend needs saving at all? He seems to really love food and has figured out a way to get it on tap from this young lady, who only (and repeatedly) asks that he express his gratitude in return.
Could be he’s incredibly happy in a relationship where his girlfriend makes him food all the time and even orders the odd Chinese (even if it is the worst-looking Chinese food I’ve ever seen in my life). The rest of us are over here calling for his release, but maybe he’s got life all figured out?

Buddy, if you’re reading, BLINK TWICE in the next video and let us know if you need saving. Otherwise, bon appetit.