Every once in a while in life you come across someone who is absolutely not to be messed with. 85-year-old John Headington from Lincolnshire is one of those people. Especially if you mess with his model train collection.
Octogenarian John and his 57-year-old wife Susan were woken at 1am by the sound of a brick smashing through their kitchen window. Intruder Robert Barnes, 28, was breaking in on November 20.
John Headington, who has had two hip replacements, leapt out of bed and clocked Barnes emerging from a room carrying his prized (and valuable) model trains.
This is Barnes:

John put Barnes in a bear hug before suplexing him onto the floor and sitting on him alongside his wife Susan until the police arrived (Susan had called them as John went to investigate – good teamwork).
Barnes, who was carrying a knife in his coat pocket, was drunk and admitted burglary and possessing a bladed article. He’s been sentenced to 2 years in prison for the burglary and an extra 4 months for the knife.

I guess it’s no surprise that an 85-year-old who has the energy to satisfy a wife 28 years younger than him would also be tough enough to deal with a 28-year-old home invader, especially when said home invader is messing with his train collection.
I mean he probably could have taken anything from John Headington’s house and John wouldn’t have cared… expect for the model railway collection. Let this be a lesson – if you’re ever planning to break into someone’s house and burgle them (we’d advise against this btw) just make sure its not an octogenarian with a classic ‘old man’ hobby he probably devotes all day every day to.