Beatman & Ludmilla – Shaman
This track is nothing less than an absolute monster! Huge breaks and Psy, coupled with tribal sounds!
The first minute drop absolutely slams in with raw power, the kick drum and tripled up sub bass accompanied with break beat is just a high octane huge sound!
The vocal sample is haunting and has that tribal feel and fits the track perfectly.
Throughout you will get blasted with fx just to add to the chaos.
The breakdown you will get completely lost in the hypnotizing vocal sample.its not a long break but bang it kicks again with the rolling psy kick and sub and fx!
I personally have played this in a club and I can tell you it’s huge! It goes off like a rocket!
Nobody does this sound like Beatman & Ludmilla and I’m waiting in anticipation for there next one!
You will find this track on the VII compilation album and Beatport.